Our story

We both have a love for nature, a desire to make various design pieces by hand as well. That's why LissWood was created, which combines both love of nature and love of wood and handicrafts.

The idea of ​​creating floral and forest images arose during frequent wanderings through nature and the desire to be able to take this natural beauty home and keep it in the same condition.

Our style is purely minimalist, suitable for any space, whether your home, cafe or office. Our goal is to make the environment in which you move more pleasant and beautiful.

LissWood květinové obrazy Petr, výroba obrazu Petr, sběr kvítí LissWood Veronika a Petr majitelé

Our pictures

We create LissWood paintings by hand, from the collection of flowers and plants, to their impregnation, pressing, painting, through the production and oiling of the frame to the subsequent final form. The material is of pure quality, without any plastic, only plant, glass and wood. The size of the frame starts at a height of 15 cm and can be made more than a meter. We have different types of wood and their shades. We started with ferns, but now we have other beautiful species of plants, flowers and natural products, which we enthusiastically put into the frames. We hope you love them as much as we do.

Veronika and Petr

Srdce týmu LissWood

  • Veronika


    Spolu s Mary a Petrem jsme zakladatelé LissWoodu. Pečuji o zákazníky, sociální sítě, texty a vytvářím v dílně s květinami obrazy, které vás chytí za srdce.

  • Petr


    Stará se o to, aby nám, holkám, vše fungovalo tak, jak má. Počínaje od rámů a technické procesy přes web, marketing až po účetnictví. Díky němu se neustále posouváme dále.

  • Lucie


    Díky Lucce jsou obrazy vždy krásně čisté a především zarámované. Pečuje o naše brigádnice a řeší každodenní potřeby dílny, počínaje od rámů, přes svatební kytice až po kompletaci obrazů.

  • Our recommendation for location

    Frames are for indoor use. To preserve the original colors for as long as possible, we recommend not exposing the frames to direct sunlight, storing them at room temperature and not exposing them to large temperature fluctuations. If you follow all the recommendations, LissWood pictures will never cease to make you happy.

  • Will flowers ever change color?

    It's important to realize that while we strive to keep the nature in the same condition, we can't 100% guarantee it. We do not live in a vacuum, the world around us is working, the sun is spinning over our heads, and our plants are part of this, so we ask you to be lenient and consider the possibility of a slight color change with increasing time due to external influences. But it won't take away from their beauty, you don't have to be afraid.

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