1. Frame color
Our color range ranges from white, beige, brown to black. It is best to choose the color of the frame according to the type of plant so that they match each other as much as possible. If you can't decide, take a look at our current collection or write to us and we'll be happy to recommend a color.
2. Size
We have 3 basic frame sizes, their size approximately corresponds to A5, A4, A3 formats. If you want a specific dimension, width, height or, in the case of moss, even a geometric shape other than just a rectangle, write us which one and together we will find the right implementation.
3. Plants / flowers
We most often have flowers and natural products pressed or dried according to the current season. However, our warehouse and our possibilities are quite large and we believe that we will always find the ideal plant. If it is not currently available, we will help you choose an alternative plant that will make you equally happy.
4. Text or symbol
Each image has a burned-out LissWood logo in the lower left corner. Because your image is custom-made, we also offer the option of burning the text, greeting card or symbol you want anywhere else. It can be a birthday wish, date, name, declaration of love, donation. For example, "For Peter," "For Best Mom," or just a symbol, like a heart.