LissWood - Veronika a Petr

Blog about the blog: because we want to tell you a lot about us 🌸

With the arrival of spring, the lengthening of the days and the blooming surroundings, Petr and I sat down over a good coffee (which we both love) and agreed that there are so many things happening in our work that we would be able to talk about them for dozens of hours (a terrible number, right? 😊). And so the idea arose that we will start writing a blog that will give you a closer look at who we are, what we do, what we have succeeded and what we have not succeeded in, what we are planning, what we enjoy and what we like. Just a blog about us, about LissWood. 🌸

LissWood - Veronika and Petr

Who and what is LissWood?

If you have visited our website for the first time, it would be appropriate to tell you who we are and what we actually do. We are two dreamers, Veronika and Petr, who stand for the LissWood brand. The two of us were brought together a few years ago by mutual love, LissWood was created by my love for flowers and plants and Peter's love for wood and handcraft. From a young age, Petr tinkered with his father in a small hobby woodworking workshop, and during his life he managed to create a lot of tables, tables, clocks and boards, which he gave to his loved ones. From a young age, however, he has also been fully devoted to the IT world, management, marketing and websites, and working with computers is more than close to him. But when you sit at the computer and in meetings all day, you feel like using your creative and DIY needs elsewhere. 😊

From a young age, I found a hobby in creative creation, painting, and I still supported this hobby with a club at an art elementary school. In addition, from childhood to adulthood I played handball at the highest level, so my creative and creative side was transferred to my game, and therefore I never thought that after graduating from Pilsen Church Grammar School and several years at universities of economics, my direction would go precisely in the direction of business with own creation and brand.

When we got to know Petr, we found out that the idea with flower paintings, which my sister-in-law and I had had in our heads for a long time, but had failed on our neum with wood, Petr assessed as excellent and that his father would make it right from the first visit to the workshop first prototypes. I pressed the first ferns, he made the first frames, we put them together in our kitchen at home and created our first handmade painting called Liss (honored English - to press 😄). But other companies already had this name, so we agreed on the name LissWood - pressed and stored in wood.

Petr in the workshopLiss - Fern First Pictures

We liked the paintings so much that we decided to make more of them, create the first website and see how people liked them. And because the pictures were liked more than enough, we are now standing here in front of you after two years with the entire LissWood flower kingdom, which already employs us full-time (despite Peter's constant activity in the IT world) and we even have a few other people who on our they work together in the workshop and outside of it. We create not only flower and forest paintings, but also wedding bouquet paintings (one more big topic for next time).

Image from a wedding bouquet - spring

We are currently located with all our production premises near the center of Pilsen, in the cultural and creative center, in DEPO2015 . We currently only have an e-shop, but we are also planning a small shop in the future. You can meet us at various sales events, such as the Mint market ( on April 16, 2023 we will be on the Prague embankment, on May 13, 2023 in Brno ) or Dyzajn market . This year, we are also organizing workshops on a large scale and we are preparing another flurry of novelties. But I'll be happy to write something about all these things and events next time, after all, I don't want to overwhelm you right away. 😊

With love for nature 🌸


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